Wow, so it's getting to be the end of the semester. Which means that it's time to buckle down and get crazy with the self promoting.
Places where both my work and I shall be in the near future:
MSU Comics Forum
March 26th (keynote speech) and 27th in the RCAH on the MSU campus
I was fortunate enough to be able to snag a table at this event. I went to some of the panels and skulked about the artists' alley last year, and if it's even a tenth as awesome this year then I shall be pretty happy.
For more information, I offer this website.
April 24th and 25th at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Columbus Ohio
I will be sharing a table at this even with at least two other people, possibly three, depending on how things shake out. I will update you as we get closer the event and actually know which table we'll be at so's you all can fiiiiind me.
Oblique Patience (at Scene Metrospace)
May 7 - June 27 at Scene Metrospace in East Lansing Michigan
Opening Reception on Friday, May 7th from 6-9 pm
The website for this one just went live a little while ago and I've avoided looking at it because I signed on to take part in this project about a year ago now. It seems so unreal. Work is still rolling in and it sounds like the site is going to be updated a lot in the near future, so I suggest checking it out now, while it's still young, and going back to check it again and again in the future.
Please please please go to the website.
Hopefully, I'll have another gallery show to add to that list in the near future. I may not have much job experience to put on my resume, but I am determined to have a list of exhibitions as long as my arm by the time I'm done with school (assuming a very large point size...)
In the meantime, I should probably mention that my recent application to the BFA program here was accepted, which means, among other things, that there is no way I am graduating at the end of next year. But! It also means that I am one step closer to getting into a really fancy pants grad school.
And now, I'd like to leave you with a sketch for my next painting:

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