Whether it was because my parents were there and I decided to do the touristy thing or because, like Degas, I found the New Orleans sun way too intense, the world may never know.
Mostly it's because these things just happen sometimes. Nevertheless, I have been drawing, and while I am in a room without my scanner, I do have my very poor resolution phone camera. I hope your eyeballs are prepared for the fury I'm about to unleash.
City Lights Coffee in Charlston, SC
Still Haven't given up on that Spirit reboot idea, btw
Having a bad day and also thinking about Sargent. Mostly the thing about Sargent.
Still thinking about Sargent, this time to the tune of having a seriously hard time drawing faces.
Bastion is still one of the greatest games of all time and you should play it if you haven't yet.
Have I mentioned before that I occasionally like to go back and do redraws of earlier drawings? In this case, I thought this was going to be the sketch that finished up the book, so I redid the first image from it. Said image follows below:
House on Highway 19 near Dahlonega, GA
Back to the fantasy imagery idea for a little while
Always room for more fanart
The Old Coffee Pot, New Orleans, LA
Detail from the above. This one made me pretty pleased with myself.
More motion drawings, but without the fantasy element this time. They didn't work as well, I thought.
I find vampires and unicorns really amusing because their origins are so totally about sex, but if you mention that to most people they will not believe you.
Those last four are from today, and I think I've figured some things out which will be pretty useful in the future, but I am too tired to go into it right now. Nap times for alll, and to all a good nap.