Wednesday, April 27, 2011

final gd project

Somewhere in the middle of working on this, I realized that as much as I love graphic design as a concept and really enjoy when other people do it well, there's something that really really stands between me and success a lot of the time. And I have no idea what it is. Very frustrating. The discrepancies between the sketches for these letterforms and the final project are just....grr.

But I told a friend I'd post 'em so I'mma gonna do that. Crit's tomorrow. Er. Today, actually. Soonish.

Project was to create a letter based on one of our initials. Because I am an overachiever (and because nothing exists in a vacuum and if I'd had time I'd have done the whole alphabet, let's be honest) I did all three.

Black and white:


Upper case in color:


Towards the end of this last summer, Ryan Claytor told me about this video Thought of You by Ryan Woodward, and it's influenced a lot of my work this semester. Most obviously in my paintings--I've spent a lot of time trying to capture motion in still images, especially the sense of it rather than the literal. But that influence is present here too. Most typefaces lend themselves to a sense of balance and stability. No doubt it's part of what makes them readable. I was more interested in making letters that looked like they were in the middle of going somewhere. Maybe even dancing.

The decorativeness on the upper S was almost an accident, but the more I'm looking at it, the more I'm finding it one of my favorite features. It doesn't necessarily belong with this set, but I would be willing to do another one.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Drawings! lots of drawings!

Not in any particular order:

















All bow before my lack of photo skills! And looking at them now, these are in mostly a reverse chronological order. Not entirely, though. The black tempera paint with stick drawing that's last here was actually somewhere in the middle in reality, and had a lot of buddies with it. But I didn't post everything because thaaaaaaat would be crazy.

Er. Crazier.

Monday, April 25, 2011

follow up from last time

And here we have the rest of my project that is due tomorrow. JJ Johnson was chosen from a list of jazz musicians we were given. He seemed cool, and I like the trombone.


Augh, hats. What even makes a good hat? I don't know, I don't wear them. Seriously. I have no idea.


template found via google search, wound up on a site with a whole bunch of tshirt templates for just this purpose. It was pretty awesome. Although as you can see, my raw photoshop skills approach zero as time approaches 3 am.


Photoshop and open canvas fusion. I could have sworn there were more warm colors in this, but I like it this way too.


And also I can do more minimal stuff? Boundaries for this one included 'in black and white,' which always says to me 'pare it down and make it lonely.'

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apple, you are an apple


More open canvas. And, as it turns out, more in progress graphic design assignment stuff as well. I've been mixing analog and digital work in my gd1 class a lot, so I thought for the penultimate project I might try to work entirely on the computer. Hopefully that pans out.

EDIT: Two more steps. Next we start with the text for the logo, and from there start applying it.


I did some block shading right on top of the open canvas image from earlier to get this.

Live trace in Illustrator gets me the above.


Have I mentioned that the assignment is to create a fictional music company with a logo based on a fruit or vegetable? Because it is. And I cannot resist the pun.


Thank you and goodnight!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

So that happened

The other day in drawing class we had nothing to do really because we were waiting for our turns to do individual critiques, so I decided to do some Portal 2 fanart (not finished. no spoilers please. Or...only up to the conversion gel chambers)

And then tonight after a very long day I decided that instead of scanning that in and uploading it, it would be quicker to do a quick open canvas portrait instead.

The open canvas part worked. Quick, not so much.


Also there is a rather large fly in my room. Spring!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


One day, photoshop, one day.

Moar experiments!

PhotobucketAlign Center

I'm trying to get into running. Trails are my favorite, hence this :)


The second one came to mind because of this week's illustration friday topic: bottle. And yes, I did watch the video of 'poor unfortunate souls' yesterday, which is why, y'know, similarly themed.

Hmm...another late post. Must find a way to actually sleep one of these days.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Parents can be confusing 01


Paraphrased, of course.

I gotta say, I'm enjoying the zippyness of doing sketchy digital comics like these. Every time my process is different, though. Part of learning, maybe? Certainly! Let's go with that.

Went with actual panels laid out in illustrator before I began this time. Thinking of making myself some templates there for my standard ones to make my life easier.

These colors remind me of easter....anyone else?

Ok, time for bed! Graphic design crit tomorrow! Also signing up for classes for next fall and stuff.

Sunday, April 3, 2011



I'm right in the middle of getting images together for a graphic design project, and while I was doing that (sitting here in my darkened room with my scanner bed open, lightbulb in hand) I got this one. It's not quite what I want for the project, but it looks so cool I couldn't not share it.

Back to scanning!